
web api for and

a similar package can be found at ``__


PythonanywhereApi(web_domain, web_user, ...)

remote host api to a project package on the web hosts and

class PythonanywhereApi(web_domain, web_user, web_token, project_name)[source]

Bases: object

remote host api to a project package on the web hosts and

__init__(web_domain, web_user, web_token, project_name)[source]

initialize web host api and the deployed project package name.

  • web_domain (str) – remote web host domain.

  • web_user (str) – remote connection username.

  • web_token (str) – personal user credential token string on remote host.

  • project_name (str) – name of the web project package.

property error_message: str

error message string if an error occurred or an empty string if not.


return the accumulated error message of the recently occurred error(s).


any assigned error message will be accumulated to recent error messages. pass an empty string to reset the error message.

property project_name: str

project main package name string property.


return the currently connected/configured project package name of the web host server.


set/change the currently connected/configured project name of the web host server.

Return type:

Optional[list[dict[str, str]]]


convert json in response to python type (list/dict).


response (Response) – response from requests to convert into python data type.

Return type:

Union[list[dict[str, Any]], dict[str, dict[str, Any]], None]


[list of] dictionaries converted from the response content or None on error.

_request(url_path, task, method=<function get>, success_codes=(200, 201), **request_kwargs)[source]

send a https request specified via method and return the response.

  • url_path (str) – sub url path to send request to.

  • task (str) – string describing the task to archive (used to compile an error message).

  • method (Callable) – requests method (get, post, push, delete, patch, …).

  • success_codes (Sequence) – sequence of response.status_code success codes

  • request_kwargs – additional request method arguments.

Return type:



request response. if on error occurred then the instance string attribute error_message contains an error message. if the caller is not checking for errors and not resetting the error message string, then this function will accumulate further errors to error_message, separated by two new line characters.


determine the available consoles.

Return type:

Optional[list[dict[str, Any]]]


python dictionary with available consoles or None if an error occurred.

deployed_code_files(path_masks, skip_file_path=<function PythonanywhereApi.<lambda>>)[source]

determine all deployed code files of given package name deployed to the pythonanywhere server.

  • path_masks (Sequence[str]) – root package paths with glob wildcards to collect deployed code files from.

  • skip_file_path (Callable[[str], bool]) – called for each found file/folder with the path_mask relative to the package root folder as argument, returning True to exclude the specified item from the returned result set. calls of a folder have a prefix of a slash character followed by a dot (“/.”) and help to minimize the number of calls against the web server api.

Return type:



set of file paths of the package deployed on the web, relative to the project root or None if an error occurred.


determine the file content of a file deployed to a web server.


file_path (str) – path of a deployed file relative to the project root.

Return type:



file content as bytes or None if error occurred (check self.error_message).


determine the version of a deployed django project package.

Return type:



version string of the package deployed to the web host/server or empty string if package version file or version-in-file not found.

deploy_file(file_path, file_content)[source]

add or update a project file to the web server.

  • file_path (str) – path relative to the project root of the file to be deployed (added or updated).

  • file_content (bytes) – file content to deploy/upload.

Return type:



error message if update/add failed else on success an empty string.


delete a file or folder on the web server.


file_path (str) – path relative to the project root of the file to be deleted.

Return type:



error message if deletion failed else on success an empty string.

files_iterator(path_mask, level_index=0)[source]

find files matching the path mask string passed as the paramref:.path_mask argument.

  • path_mask (str) – file path pattern/mask with optional wildcards. passing an empty string will return the files of the project/package root directory, as well as passing ‘.’ or ‘*’. also absolute path masks will be relative to the project root directory. file path mask matches are case-sensitive (done with the function fnmatch.fnmatchcase()).

  • level_index (int) – folder level depth in passed file path mask to start searching (only specified in recursive call).

Return type:



iterator/generator yielding dicts. each dict has a file_path key containing the path string of the found file relative to the project root folder and a type key containing the string ‘directory’ or `’file’

find_project_files(path_mask='', skip_file_path=<function PythonanywhereApi.<lambda>>, collector=None)[source]

determine the files matching the glob pattern provided in path_mask at the app/web server.

not using the files tree api endpoints/function (f”files/tree/?path=/home/{self.web_user}/{project_name}”) because their response is limited to 1000 files (see and e.g. kairos has more than 5300 files in its package folder (mainly for django filer and the static files).

  • path_mask (str) – file mask including relative path to the package project root to be searched. passing an empty string (the default) returns all files in the package root directory.

  • collector (Optional[Collector]) – file collector callable.

  • skip_file_path (Callable[[str], bool]) – called for each found file/folder with the path_mask relative to the package root folder as argument, returning True to exclude the specified item from the returned result set. calls of a folder have a prefix of a slash character followed by a dot (“/.”) and help to minimize the number of calls against the web server api.

Return type:



set of file paths of the package deployed on the web, relative to the project root or None if an error occurred. all files underneath a