git repository manager user manual

installation of grm

to installing this tool open a console window and run the following command:

.. code-block:: shell

    pip install aedev_git_repo_manager

after the installation the grm command will be available in your OS console.

usage of grm

grm is supporting you on all devops (development operations) of your python library, application and web projects.

this covers all actions done on your local machine, on your repository host servers (like or and on your web and applikcation deployment servers, like:

  • creating new projects

  • maintaining and upgrading existing projects

  • running integrity checks and unit tests

  • maintaining, syncing and pushing of your git repositories

  • creating and maintaining merge requests on your git repository servers

  • release of your project onto the cheese shop (

  • deployment of your app/web project

command line options and action arguments

the git repository manager command line consist of options, action keywords, action arguments and optional action argument flags:

.. code-block:: shell

    grm [options] [action-keywords] [action-arguments] [action-flags]

all command line options are available in a long form, preceded with two leading hyphen characters, and as a single character in a short form, preceded with a single hyphen character.

executing grm with the –help command line option (short -h) displays a short summary of the available command line options:

.. code-block:: shell

    grm --help

general command line options like e.g. –verbose (-v), –debug_level (-D), –path (-p) or –project (-P) can be specified for any action. other options, like e.g. the filter options –filterBranch (-B) and –filterExpression (-F), are only supported for bulk actions.

execute grm with the show_actions() action to display a brief summary of all the available/registered actions for a project:

.. code-block:: shell

    grm show_actions

the action-keywords argument is composed of several words, seperated by either a space character, a hyphen character or an underscore character. some actions can even be abbreviated by a single word shortcut. therefore the following four commands are identical/equivalent:

.. code-block:: shell

    grm show_actions
    grm show-actions
    grm show actions
    grm actions

you can add the –verbose and/or –debug_level command line options to get a more verbose output. e.g. to include for each listed action also their action-arguments and action-flags, their supported project types and their action shortcut, simply add these options to command line of the show_actions() action:

.. code-block:: shell

    grm --verbose --debug_level=2 show_actions

the equivalent command line using the short option form (with only one leading hyphen character), and the shortcut of the show_actions() action (which is actions) would look like:

.. code-block:: shell

    grm -v -D 2 actions

some actions are expecting additional action-arguments.

e.g. to execute the release_project() action the aedev.git_repo_manager.__main__.GitlabCom.release_project.version_tag action argument has to specify the project version to release.

for some actions you can optionally specify action-flags. each flag has a default value, which will be used if the flag is not specified on the command line.

the action check_deploy() e.g. is supporting the flag CLEANUP with a default value of False. specifying this flag on the command line is switching the flag value to True. the resulting flag value can also be specified on the command line by adding an equal character (‘=’) to the flag name, directly followed by the flag value. so the following two commands are identical:

.. code-block:: shell

    grm check_deploy ... CLEANUP
    grm check_deploy ... CLEANUP=True

bulk actions

most of the grm actions operate on a single project or repository and should be executed in the root folder of the project working tree.

some of them are also available as bulk actions, which are affecting multiple projects, e.g. the portions of a namespace, or the projects located under the same parent directory.

bulk actions on portions of a namespace are processed by executing them in the namespace root project root folder.

bulk actions on projects underneath a parent directory are executed in the parent folder.

alternatively they can be executed from any other folder by specifying the namespace root project or the projects parent folder via the –project or –path options.

for example, bulk actions on namespace root project, like e.g. the ae namespace root project via --project ae_ae or the the aedev namespace root project via --path path/to/aedev_aedev.


bulk actions are recognizable by the additional children keyword in their action name.

repository status actions

several actions are determining the project(s) status, like e.g. show_status(), show_children_status(), show_repo(), show_children_repos(), check_integrity(), check_children_integrity(), show_versions(), show_children_versions(), and search_repos().

project and repository maintenance actions

useful actions to create, extend or renew a project repository respectively multiple project repositories, are e.g. new_app(), new_children(), new_django(), new_module(), new_namespace_root(), new_package(), new_project(), bump_version(), refresh_outsourced(), refresh_children_outsourced().

actions for your other repository maintenance workflows are e.g. clone_project(), clone_children_project(), fork_project(), fork_children(), prepare_commit(), prepare_children_commit(), commit_project(), commit_children(), push_project(), push_children(), request_merge(), request_children_merge(), release_project(), release_children(), install_editable(), and install_children_editable().

to manipulate single files in project repositories use the actions add_file(), add_children_file(), delete_file(), delete_children_file(), rename_file(), rename_children_file().

in order to synchronize the local MAIN_BRANCH branch with any changes done to same branch on the ‘origin’ remote, execute grm with the update_project() and update_children() actions.

the clean_releases() action deletes local+remote release tags and branches of the specified project that got not published to PYPI.

the execution of bulk command lines for a group of projects can be done with the run_children_command() action.

web and app deployment server actions

the actions check_deploy() and deploy_project() are working directly with the deployment servers of your web/Django or app project.

check_deploy() is comparing the deployed files against any repository version tag or against the package files in your project work tree.

the deploy_project() action is deploying any new or changed package files to your web or app deployment server.

filtering children of projects parent or portions of a namespace

which children will get processed in a bulk actions get specified by a children-set-expression action argument, which can combine one or more of the following placeholders via the set operators of python (| for union, & for intersection, - for difference and ^ for symmetric difference):

  • all: all children projects

  • editable: projects installed as editable

  • modified: projects having uncommitted changes

  • develop: projects having checked-out the MAIN_BRANCH

  • filterBranch: projects having checked-out the branch specified with the –filterBranch (short -B) option

  • filterExpression: projects matching the expression specified with the –filterExpression (short -F) option

for example to show the project versions of namespace portions with uncommitted changes, execute the following command in the root folder of the namespace root project:

.. code-block:: shell

    grm show_children_versions modified

to additionally restrict the last example to projects with uncommitted changes in the MAIN_BRANCH run:

.. code-block:: shell

    grm show_children_versions "modified & develop"


children-set-expression with set-operators have to be included into high-commas.

more flexible filtering can be done with the command line options –filterExpression and –filterBranch. by specifying one of these options the selected/filtered children are then available as a children-set-expression with the same name as the specified option.

for example to only show the versions of projects with uncommitted changes in the branch branch_name run:

.. code-block:: shell

    grm --filterBranch=branch_name show_children_versions "modified & filterBranch"


the name of the branch get specified with the –filterBranch option. and the name of the option can then be used like a python set in the children-set-expression action argument.

in general, any bulk action can be restricted to only process children/portions projects that have the specified branch name checked-out. e.g. to only process all children that have checked out the branch branch_name run:

.. code-block:: shell

    grm --filterBranch=branch_name <any_bulk_action> filterBranch

exactly the same selection result could be achieved via a more complex Python expression, using the –filterExpression option/children-set-expression:

.. code-block:: shell

    grm --filterExpression="_git_current_branch(chi_pdv)=='branch_name'" <any_bulk_action> filterExpression


the filter expression can contain project environment variables and any globals of the git-repo-manager tool. additionally, the variable chi_pdv can be used to additionally access the project environment variables of the other children/portion projects.


filter expressions should be included in high-commas.

the next example is selection all children with a project package version number below or equal to 0.2:

.. code-block:: shell

    grm --filterExpression "project_version<='0.2'" <children_bulk_action> filterExpression

the example underneath is showing the local, remote and PyPI versions of the children projects that have a branch (checked-out or not) with the name branch_name in their repository:

.. code-block:: shell

    grm -F "'branch_name' in _git_branches(chi_pdv)" show_children_versions filterExpression

to bulk-release multiple children projects in a contribution process workflow, the following bulk actions can be executed, e.g. from within the root folder of a namespace root project:

  • new_children() to increment the versions and refresh outsourced files from templates:

    .. code-block:: shell
        grm -b=branch_name new_children modified
  • prepare_children_commit() to prepare the commit message files (after you implemented all changes into the above created branch with the name branch_name):

    .. code-block:: shell
        grm prepare_children_commit "commit message for branch_name" modified
  • commit_children() to commit changes to the local git repositories:

    .. code-block:: shell
        grm commit_children modified
  • push_children() to push the committed changes to the remote repositories:

    .. code-block:: shell
        grm --filterBranch=branch_name push_children filterBranch
  • request_children_merge() to merge pushed changes to the main branches on the remote host (without a repository forg add the options: -f -u=group_or_user_name):

    .. code-block:: shell
        grm --filterBranch=branch_name request_children_merge filterBranch
  • release_children() to bulk-release the project packages to PyPI:

    .. code-block:: shell
        grm --filterBranch=branch_name release_children filterBranch
  • install_children_editable(): updates/updates editable installations of your local projects into your virtual environment:

    .. code-block:: shell
        grm -F "'branch_name' in _git_branches(chi_pdv)" install_children_editable filterExpression

remote server configuration

grm supports two types of remote servers. remote servers that are hosting the project repository (e.g. on or, and remote servers that are hosting deployable apps or web sites (e.g.

grm actions with write access to any remote host (web/repository server), like e.g. deploy_project() or push_project(), are requesting the user credentials for the authentication from the remote server configurations.


remote server configurations can be specified in multiple ways. configuration options specified to grm via command line arguments have the highest priority, followed by OS environment variables, grm config variables, and the remote server configuration files.

command line config options

the remote server domain address can be specified via command line config-option domain.

user credentials can be specified via the grm command line config options: token and user or group.

grm config variables

user credentials not specified by the command line config options are determined from the application config variable via a user- and domain-specific lookup with the help of the get_variable() method.

for example to resolve the value of the not specified token command line option, the lookup first checks if there exists an OS environment variable (also via the python-dotenv package), and if not found then it is looking for an application config variable.

the lookup of the value of the token option, for an user with the name michael at the domain, is done in the following order:


  • config variable host_token_at_www_example_com_michael in the config section aeOptions


  • config variable host_token_at_www_example_com in the config section aeOptions

project development variables

this type of configuration variables are extending the project environment variables provided by the aedev.setup_project module. the variable values can be configured via the files pev.defaults and/or pev.updates, situated in the root folder of a project working tree.


the content of these two files consists of a single Python dictionary literal.

by providing for example the user name (of your account at your repository host server) in the key STK_AUTHOR, you don’t need to specify it any longer on the grm command line via the –user option. in the most cases you will want to provide also the (user/group) name of the repository owner in the key REPO_GROUP, which results in the file contents:

    'STK_AUTHOR': 'UserName',
    'REPO_GROUP': 'UserOrGroupName',


the default value of REPO_GROUP gets compiled from the project name followed by a hyphen and the word group.

in order to change the default domain ( of the git repository server/host for a project to, add also the following two lines have into this dict literal:


git credential storage

the git credential storage can be used as the last fallback if your user credentials are neither specified as command line config options nor via the grm config variables.

the user credentials for actions on git repository hosts (…) like push_project() can alternatively be set and stored via the git configuration settings (see and


see ``__ to disable user/password prompts for fetch and check actions to git repository hoster that don’t need authentication (and not using the token option), like e.g. _git_fetch().

grm example workflows

this section describes some typical development workflows managed with the help of the grm tool.

create a new project

to create a new project (in this example a small console app module with the project name senv), first create a folder with the name of the new project directly underneath of your projects source parent folder (e.g. ~/src).

then, within the new project root folder create the file pev.defaults (or pev.updated, like explained in the section project development variables), in order to specify your user name, your credentials, or the repository owner at your repository host server.


the section remote server configuration describes how you can configure default values of your repository server, your user account name and credentials, if you not want to specify them in every run of grm via the command line options.

optionally create and activate a virtual environment for the new project, like e.g. aedev39 with the tool pyenv:

pyenv local aedev39


using pyenv local has the advantage to ensure that the project’s virtual environment gets activated automatically, as soon as you change the current directory of your console to the project root folder.

make sure you have installed the grm tool, by running the following command within your new project root folder:

pip install aedev-git-repo-manager

now you can run the grm tool for the first time in order to create the initial git repository, and some basic files for the specified project type (e.g. a module project):

grm new_module

the grm action new_module specifies the type of the project as a single module. for a more complex project (including multiple modules) use instead the new_package action, for a namespace root project the new_namespace_root action, for a GUI application the new_app action, and for a django project the new_django action.


for a console app, in controary to a GUI app, use either the new_module or new_package actions.

now you can start completing the unit and integration tests code by editing the prepared file tests/ then the project code can be amended in the generated file


the project code of a project of the package type resides instead in the file senv/, respective in <namespace_name>/senv/ for a namespace portion package.

to complete the documentation of your new project, amend the prepared files, docs/index.rst and docs/features_and_examples.rst accordingly.


at any time in the implementation process you can run the two actions renew and check in order to keep the files created from templates up-to-date, and to test your implementation:

grm refresh
grm check

after finishing the implementation you can create the commit message file .commit_msg.txt in the project root folder with the prepare action:

grm prepare

the content of the commit message file can then be ammended with additional notes.

to commit the first implementation of your new project into your local git repository, execute the commit action:

grm commit

now the new project can be pushed to your repository host server ( by default) by executing the push action:

grm push

change request on an existing project

a typical workflow to change or add code of an already existing project gets processed with the following grm actions:

  • fork - create or update your fork (only for already existing porjects).

  • renew - update/refresh/renew the files created from templates.

  • prepare - create a commit message after all planned changes/additions are implemented.

  • commit - create a new commit.

  • push - push the commit to the origin repository (your fork).

  • request - create a merge request.

to complete the workflow, the release and deployment of a project has to be done by an repository maintainer with the following grm actions:

  • release - merge the changes into the main branch ({MAIN_BRANCH}) and create a new project release at PyPI.

  • deploy - deployment of the new/changed project (only available for web and app projects).

setup a new Django CMS server project

the following example describes all the steps that need to be done in the bash console on your computer, in order to create a new Django project (using Django 4.2 and DjangoCms 4.1), with the project name oaios.

after changing your current working directory to the projects source parent folder (e.g. <username>/src), execute the following commands to create the project root folder oaios, and setup a new virtual environment with the name dj4:

pyenv install 3.12.0
pyenv virtualenv 3.12.0 dj4
mkdir oaios
cd oaios
pyenv local dj4
pip install --upgrade pip setuptools aedev-git-repo-manager

now, still from within the project root folder and with the new virtual environment activated, you can install Django 4.2 and DjangoCms 4.1 and prepare an initial project structure by executing the following commands. the djangocms command will prompt you to enter the name, email address and password of the django admin/superuser:

pip install Django==4.2
pip install django-cms (4.1.1 released on 1st of may 2024)
djangocms oaios .


don’t miss the final dot in the djangocms command.

now execute the following commands in order to adapt the new project to be managed by grm and using the template files provided by the projects in the aedev namespace

mv requirements.txt
cp ../kairos/CONTRIBUTING.rst .
cp ../kairos/ .
cp ../kairos/ .
cp ../kairos/ .
cp ../kairos/.gitignore .
cp ../kairos/pev.defaults .


alternatively to copying the template based files from another django project (kairos in this case), you could create them as new text files, containing the string content of the grm OUTSOURCED_MARKER in its first line.

now edit the empty project file oaios/, created by the ``djangocms``command and add inthere the following content:

""" Our All In One Server
__version__ = '0.3.0'

then adapt the project development variables specified in the file pev.defaults to your web project:

    'STK_AUTHOR': 'your-repo-host-account-user-name',
    'REPO_GROUP': 'your-repo-host-owner-user-or-group',     # e.g. 'oaios-group'
    'web_domain': 'your-web-app-host-domain',               # e.g. ''
    'web_user':   'your-web-app-host-user-name',


to prevent the release of your web project onto the PyPI cheese shop, set the value of the pip_name key to an empty string.

finally, in order to:

  1. complete the project files from the templates,

  2. prepare the commit message,

  3. commit to git repository,

  4. push the commit to Gitlab,

  5. create a merge request and

  6. release to PyPI and reset the local project (repository) to the main branch:

run the following grm actions/commands:

grm -f -i 0 -b init_project renew
grm prepare
grm commit
grm -f push
grm -f -u ae-group request
grm release LATEST


the force/-f command option has to be specified in this example for the renew and push actions, in order to use the version 0.3.0 (copied from kairos, instead of an initial version 0.0.1), and for the request action in order to create the merge/push request directly in the name of the ae-group maintainer(s).

additional information to setup Django/CMS

more grm example workflows

more detailed workflow examples for``aedev`` namespace portion projects can be found in the contribution documentation of a project, and for web projects in the `programmer manual < >`__ of the kairos web project.